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Writer's pictureFrancesco Rizzuto

Bettie Mae Page - Guns For Jacuzzis

Updated: Sep 29

Presidential Candiate Bettie Mae Page is an ambitious and devout Christian woman dedicated to family values and the American Way of Life.

The Bettie Mae Page Presidential Campaign is now in full swing.

In the face of Donald Trump's and Kamala Harris's affinity for double talk and reluctance to reveal their hidden agendas, Bettie is open and honest with her supporters. Here is a condensed version of her platform on those issues most important to Americans who aren't uber-rich, who still work for a living, believe in Christian values, and love their families and friends.

Gun violence

Bettie believes that America is one of the safest societies on the planet thanks to the Second Amendment. Nonetheless, a country with 330 million citizens possessing some 440 million firearms, many in the hands of children (the human brain is not fully formed before the age of 25), is seriously out of whack. "Gun culture" means that the tail is wagging the dog.

It's not the guns that are killing people, it's people killing people. Sure, we've heard that before but WTF. When did we ever listen?

If elected President in 2024, Bettie will institute a "Guns for Jacuzzis" program. Turn in your gun for destruction (the "how" will be explained in subsequent press releases) and receive a free Jacuzzi. At the same time, gun manufacturers will be taxed to provide funding for this innovative program. Unlike Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the Bettie Mae Page for President Campaign does not accept contributions from the weapons industry

Trade-in your gun for this Jacuzzi. Girl not included. Image via Pixabay Content License

Economic policy

While the American economy declined under Donald Trump (2016-2020), it did only slightly better under Joe Biden (2020-2024). Unemployment is at its highest level in 40 years. Violent crimes are up. Homelessness and drug addiction are at alarmingl high levels. Teen suicide is on an upward curve.

If politicians lie to their constituents about everything, why should anyone believe that things can get better under Trump or Kamala? They can't and won't.

"We built the greatest economy in the history of the world. " - Donald Trump

Source: BBC

Like Trump's wee-wee, one day it's up, the next day it's down.

Under Trump, the federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion between 2016 and 2020. Jobs were down by almost 3 million. Handgun production rose by 12.5% (hitting a new record of 6.3 million handguns produced annually) while the murder rate increased by 29% and aggravated assults by 12.6% , unemployment rose by 6.4%, trade deficit rose by 36.8%, house prices increased by 27.5%, people without health insurance in a country without a universal healthcare plan rose by 3 million.

Biden's budget for militarization and the promotion of foreign wars is the highest in American history.

You probably get the picture.

On the other hand, money talks. If elected President in 2024, Bettie Mae Page will appoint Andrew Yang as her Secretary of the Treasury. Every American over age 18 will receive a guaranteed monthly income of $2,000. The economy will soar while crime will drop. Guaranteed.

Donald Trump is a failed real estate grifter while Joe Biden never held a real job. Andrew Yang is a bonafide business person capable of putting the American economy back on its feet. In 2011, Yang was named a "Champion of Change" by the Obama administration and, in 2015, was selected as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship. Being Asian and not a billionaire, Yan naturally lost his bid for President in 2020 (let's tell it like it is for a change).

Yang ran on multiple slogans such as "Humanity First", "Make America Think Harder (MATH)", and "Not Left, Not Right, Forward."

Put money in people's pockets and what do they do? They spend it. Spending money stimulates the economy resulting in more money in people's pockets. Now, who can't get behind that?

Like the iconic Model A Ford that came with a hand crank in case the battery charge dropped on cold days, Americans need a universal basic monthly income of $2,000 to ensure that they eat properly and, even better, have the means to initiate their own economic improvement projects to make their lives better and improve society at large.

According to future Secretary of the Treasury Yang, "... benefits include "healthier people, less stressed-out people, better-educated people, stronger communities, more volunteerism, [and] more civic participation. There's zero bureaucracy associated with it [because there is no] need to verify whether [people's] circumstances change."

When did the Trump Gang ever give anyone free money? Or the Biden crime family? Corrupt politicians don't give. They only take. Their kind eat people alive.

Kamala Harris? Cut from the same cloth, so fuggedabadit!

Universal free healthcare

Despite its oversupply of guns, America is among the least safe societies on the planet due to serious and widespread mental health issues exacerbated by the absence of a universal public healthcare scheme. Millions are forced to choose between food and prescription medications because they can't afford both. When that happens, normal people go crazy.

The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million under the Trump administration. In other words, more and more people cannot afford to see a doctor for even the most minor health issue while abortion and transition clinics thrive and doctors drive high-end automobiles and squirrel away their untaxed cash in the Seychelles. Meanwhile, folks like the Kardashians tell women they need fake boobs, Brazilian butt uplifts, botox, and other interventions more then they need insulin which is beyond the reach of many diabetics in this country.

One can move to the European Union where visits to the doctor and insulin are free. Or one can vote for Bettie Mae Page for President. Free universal heathcare has been a proven success for decades in most First World countries, so why not here? It's the question that every American needs to ask themself when writing-in "Bettie Mae Page" on their ballot.

Freedom of Speech

Public domain image

"Neither Left nor Right but Forward."

Think about this for a minute.

The labels "Left" and "Right" do not exist on a flat spectrum. Like the earth itself, the curve is circular. Go far enough to the Left and one becomes in every sense far-Right, and vice-versa. That intersection is where dictatorial powers find their genesis and raison d'etre.

Both the far-Left and far-Right are enemies of Free Speech, the indisputable cornerstone of the American democracy. All great dictators from Hitler to Stalin to Mao knew this and used the principle to usurp power and maintain control of their respective societies. Americans are seeing their freedoms gradually eroded along with their incomes and standard of living because they don't understand the relationship between Left and Right.

Bettie Mae Page assures Americans that, unlike Britain, no American will ever serve jail time for speaking their mind on social media or while standing on a soapbox in Washington Square. Words deemed "racist" or "Islamophobic" will not attract penalties under the law. She remembers a time when people could entertain diverse opinions and still be friends, when they respected one another, before the religion of Woke stepped in.

Reward interracial and interfaith couples (and threesomes) of whatever gender

Bettie believes that the key to achieving social harmony and neutralizing the poison of racism that plagues America lies in getting to know one another in the Biblical sense of the word. Critical race theory aside, there is no reason why Black and white Americans should not love one another.

Please note that the API style guide dictates that "Black" be capitalized when referring to race while "white" remains lower case. Bettie didn't invent that.

Image by Patou Ricard from Pixabay

The Bettie Mae Page for President Campaign will ensure that government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation. Regardless of gender identity, what folks do with whom between the sheets is nobody's business. Period. While Bettie and her Veep (Tempest Storm) are not card-carrying lesbians, they are in every sense of the word feminists. Feminism has no need for degrading cisgender men, or anyone.

The Bettie Mae Page administration will reward interracial and interfaith couples of whatever gender with a generous housing subsidy to encourage healthy and secure families. Everything else follows from that point onward.

Multiculturalism and religious tolerance

Public domain image

Some religions are wholly incompatible with one another; nonetheless, most are comprised of "moderates" who advocate respect and tolerance in a multicultural society.

At the same time, Bettie believes that those advocating for the deconstruction of the American democracy and its replacement with an intolerant, religion-based system of governance and justice (i.e., Sharia) should be removed from the country. America was not built on intolerance. Parallel legal systems will not be permitted under her administration. As flawed as it is, American justice is the best in the world in terms of equality and the safeguarding of human and civil rights.

By the same token, Neo-Nazism and other anti-egalitarian and totalitarian "-isms", have no place on the American continent. That's what the Second Amendment was all about, right? Take back the goverment when it becomes intolerant and oppressive and undemocratic?


Unless you're a bonafide Native American, you are an immigrant or the descendant of immigrants.

Nevertheless, and despite what's written at the base of the Statue of Liberty, America can only admit as many new immigrants as it can absorb. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have a solution for the crisis at America's southern border.

The Bettie Mae Page administration proposes to:

  • Stop sending guns and money to corrupt regimes in Central and South America or anywhere.

  • End all proxy wars

  • Initiate programs to resettle bonafide refugees in countries adjacent to their countries of origin. Most refugees want to return home as soon as possible.

  • Reward countries that jettison gender apartheid and promote egalitarianism and economic growth

  • Differentiate "economic migrants" from genuine refugees fleeing war and oppression.

  • Punish countries that export terrorism and jihad

  • Deport those associated with international terrorist organizations to their countries of origin or elsewhere

  • Close America's borders to further immigration of all kinds except essential workers (i.e., applicants possessing qualifications for jobs where no qualified American citizen is available), until the current crisis is brought under control.

Social Media and Pornography

Without social media, Bettie Mae Page wouldn't be running for President. The internet, social media, and even pornography are here to stay. If Bettier were younger (or still alive), she'd have an Onlyfans page.

Like the American frontier of the 19th century, the internet is our new Wild West but it will undoubtedly become settled, civilized, and productive over time. Bettie has faith in human evolution and its potential for good.

Social media is an environment wherein negativity and destruction thrive because we ourselves choose to be negative and destructive. Just look at America's dismal education system (26th in the world academically). Educated and informed people don't squander their time on TikTok or waste their money on porn.

The idea that sex work is real work is pure bullshit. Prostitution is not a "profession" in any sense of the word. No healthy, sane woman would sell her booty if she could avoid doing so, and the fact that some universities are now encouraging female students to do sex work to finance their educations while providing student guides on how to do this, is abominable. Not only has Woke hijacked our minds, it's turning us into whores.

The Bettie Mae Page administration will counter the negative impact of the internet and social media with generous subsidies for education at all levels. Nobody will be handed a high school diploma who cannot read or write and hasn't earned one. Academic excellence will be rewarded with cash. Children will not be rewarded for their mere presence in a classroom or other activity but instead for actual achievement. While competition is a sad fact of life, none are born with the same IQ or manual dexterity, yet all have something to contribute. People are differently abled and need encouragement and support to be productive, to find happiness and personal fulfillment in the society we all long to create.

Regarding pornography, what healthy male ever masturbated over a Kamala Harris poster?. What female experiences orgasm at the thought of J.D. Vance? Meanwhile, Donald "Grab-em-by-the-pussy" Trump has 26 sexual abuse lawsuits pending in the courts.

On the other hand, everybody loves Bettie Mae Page.

Please contribute to the Bettie Mae Page for President Campaign. Thanks in advance!

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